Stepped into a trap
“Arnaud Bertrand - How Israel Stepped Into A Trap“ (Bertrand). This is very smart except for the whopper: “Hamas won’t survive this“. Ha! Does Bertrand have any idea how these revolutionary organizations work? Kill one, ten jump up to take their place. The financing and management of Hamas is all fully protected in Qatar. Israel can only strengthen Hamas, it cannot destroy it.
The other thing that still bugs me is all those ‘experts’, including some I had a lot of respect for, being certain that the mighty Israel could not have failed so badly, and thus it was all just a set-up that the cretins in Hamas stepped into, so the Jews could complete their final solution. Have you had enough Khazar Khoolaid yet? As much as they might constantly tell you that they all exist on an elevated intellectual and moral plane over all other people, who are farm animals, it is not true. The opposite is true. Israel is not run by an army of Noam Chomsky’s, it is run by people like this. I can’t recognize these vile creatures, whatever they are, as human beings.
I’m even reading that Israel intends to use this conflict as a way to invade Lebanon and Syria, and permanently take care of those problems (and steal their land). Are you fucking kidding me? Israel is having trouble killing grandmothers and children on the West Bank. Don’t fret, they still manage to do it, but it presses the limits of their military competence. Hezbollah is one of the most adept fighting forces in the world, and the SAA is honed to a sharp point by years for fighting Zio-American terrorists. The Israelis are scrounging around for uniforms for their army, which remains completely untrained. Their ‘aces’ got that way by shooting unarmed children in the head. They haven’t got enough soldiers or weapons to fight any kind of multi-front war. People whose brains are infected with the mind virus that Jews will always win are going to get a shock (but the most likely scenario by far is that Israel backs down under international pressure, and declares a ‘victory’, so the issue remains undetermined).
People across Europe and North America are getting a sudden and absolutely massive education about the true nature of their governments (Atzmon), and how all Western politicians are shekeled and are sexual degenerates of the lowest conceivable order, allowing them to be blackmailed by (((billionaires))) to take the most immoral positions imaginable (we have seen enough of the Maxwell-Epstein operation to be certain that this is the mechanism of control):
The West is absolutely desperate for a full replacement of its entire political class. Every last one of them. We should just turn our legislative buildings into jails, lock the doors, and throw away the keys. Start over.
The hand-rubbing meme: