Death by a thousand cuts
“Germany protests. WSJ, Poland hiding Nord Stream info. Elenksy, Crimea counter-counteroffensive“ (Christoforou).
“Matt Hoh: Is Israel Losing Both Wars?“ (Napolitano). An ICJ judgment can have more teeth than Napolitano thinks. This is a good talk.
“Col. Karen Kwaitkowski: Electrifying the Pentagon, Bankrupting the Nation.“ (Napolitano).
“Will War in Ukraine Bury Biden's Presidential Campaign? w/Stephen Gardner“ (Davis).
Mercouris has a plausible theory that Austin, who has warned Israel that it is in danger of losing, and is thus opposed to the Washington neocon consensus to try to expand the war to WWIII (to be fought by Americans and NATO, of course), may have had to hide his medical condition lest it be used by the neocons as an excuse to replace him: “Austin's mystery surgery highlights White House Middle East political infighting“ (The Duran).
Yes, and the Israelis, after the genocide is over, will use the fact that Hamas is still in power as an excuse for claiming they can’t possibly negotiate any kind of Palestinian state (negotiate with baby bakers! are you an anti-Semite?):
There thus has to be an ongoing major issue that will force the Israelis, kicking and screaming, to negotiate. Otherwise, in a few years, we will be back here again.
“Elon Musk Under Fire After X Apparently Purges Popular Left-Wing Critics: ‘Taking Off the Free Speech Mask’“ (Griffing).
Yes! You’d think the richest man in the world might come up with a solution that does not involve him having to constantly clean up for the stupidest decisions of his lowliest employees (the excuse he has settled on, which becomes increasingly difficult to believe with each reiteration, is that all these purges are done without his knowledge, perhaps by some mis-trained bot, although they peculiarly seem to take out the same kind of writer each time, and in this case, while Musk friend Ackman is losing his mind, all seem to have ‘wrong’ ideas about genocide and Israel):
This is an obvious lie:
“Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin diagnosed with prostate cancer“ (Kube/Shabad/Gregorian). An alternative theory!: “SnowStorm | Austin Was Wounded In Kyiv. Mobilization Also Reached Poland. Military Summary 2024.01.9“ (Military Summary).
“How Corruption and Greed Led to the Downfall of Rock Music“ (Rick Beato). That anti-competitive villain Bill Clinton and a lot of people corruptly arranging things to get a cut here, there and everywhere. I’ll bet you could do a similar analysis of decline in every industry in the West if you had access to insiders who know the fine details of the grifting.